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JR Heat-C Manufacturers

JR Heat C is a high-performance refractory material that is well-suited for a variety of high-temperature applications. It is made from a mixture of calcium aluminate cement, silica sand, and other refractory materials. It is available in a variety of grain sizes, from fine to coarse. It can be used to cast or mold shapes, or it can be sprayed or gunned into place. It is typically cured at a temperature of around 1,200 degrees Celsius.

JR Heat C is a high-purity calcium aluminate castable that is used in a variety of high-temperature applications. It is a hydraulically setting castable, which means that it hardens by reacting with water. 


JR Heat-C Suppliers

Preparation of raw materials: The raw materials for JR Heat C are alumina, silica, and a binder. The alumina is typically calcined bauxite, which is a high-purity form of aluminum oxide. The silica is typically quartz sand, which is a type of sand that is high in silicon dioxide. The binder is typically a calcium aluminate cement, which is a type of cement that is used in refractory applications.

Mixing: The raw materials are mixed together in a pug mill. The pug mill is a machine that uses rotating blades to mix the materials together. The mixing process ensures that the materials are evenly distributed throughout the castable.

Casting: The mixed material is poured into a mold. The mold is typically made of steel or cast iron. The casting process ensures that the castable takes the shape of the mold.

Curing: The castable is cured at a high temperature (typically around 1200 degrees Celsius). The curing process hardens the castable and makes it ready for use.

Advantages Of Our Products :​​

Where It Is Used?​​

Features of JR Heat C Made By Galaxy Are As Follows.​

JR Heat C is a reliable and durable refractory material that can provide years of service in a variety of high-temperature applications. If you are looking for a high-performance refractory material, JR Heat C is a good option to consider.