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JR Crete Manufacturers

One of the key features of JR Crete Super is its remarkable fire resistance. It is designed to endure extremely high temperatures without compromising its structural integrity. This property is crucial for applications where fire protection is a top priority, such as in the construction of fireproof walls, floors, and ceilings.

By using JR Crete Super, builders and engineers can enhance the safety of buildings and facilities, giving occupants more time to evacuate in case of a fire emergency.


JR Crete Suppliers

The dry ingredients are weighed and mixed together in a silo to ensure that the concrete mix is consistent. The fire retardant admixtures are added to the dry mix to improve the fire resistance properties of the concrete.

The water is added to the dry mix in a controlled manner to prevent the concrete from becoming too wet. The amount of water added will affect the properties of the concrete, so it is important to carefully control the water content.

The concrete is then discharged from the silo and pumped into forms. The forms are used to shape the concrete and give it the desired dimensions.The concrete is vibrated to remove any air bubbles. Air bubbles can weaken the concrete, so it is important to remove them as much as possible.The concrete is cured for a specified period of time. The curing process helps the concrete to harden and develop its full strength.

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